viernes, 20 de julio de 2012

Follow the Indian fashion!!!

Following the style design of indigenous inspiration Protos presents here a piece inspired by one the American native tribes. This choker is made with small crystal cylinders in brown and grey tones, and small brass pellets in gold colour, with a pendant of the same material.
Indian cultures have been always associated with the idea of the fight, as we use to see in the Western movies between Indians and cowboys, where the American Indians represented always “the bad”.
But these ideas though, changed eventually, and the last Hollywood movies inspired by these people show a different image of the Indian culture, and show us what really happened in that time.
The recovery for the cinema of those cultures had a reflection as well in the fashion world and we can see it in different clothes and fashion jewellery pieces like the one that we present now.
This “native” style is perfect for a comfortable look, perfect for the summer and the festivals.
This piece of our collection is available in four colours and has a matching bracelet-bracelet ankle also.

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